• ANJANA
    • ANJANA

    • Plant:  Vigorous growth plant and early maturity. Days to Harvest:  45 - 50 Days of seed showing. Pod Av. Length:  50-55 cm. Quality:  Deep green colour, smooth skin, 06-07 cm dia, red seed. Season:  Pre – Kharif, Kharif and Rabi. Seed rate: 1.25- 1.5 kg./acre.
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    • Plant:  Vigorous plant with open plant habit. Days to Harvest:  45 - 50 Days of seed showing. Pod Av. Length:  40-50 cm. Quality:  Green to dark green, smooth skin & slender. Season:  Pre – Kharif, Kharif and Rabi. Seed rate: 1.25- 1.5 kg./acre.
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